Epilepsy Foundation

The Epilepsy Foundation of America® is the national voluntary health agency dedicated solely to the welfare of the more than 2 million people with epilepsy in the U.S. and their families. The organization works to ensure that people with seizures are able to participate in all life experiences; to improve how people with epilepsy are perceived, accepted and valued in society; and to promote research for a cure. In addition to programs conducted at the national level, epilepsy clients throughout the U.S. are served by 48 Epilepsy Foundation affiliates around the country.

Typical of the Foundation’s national programs are its Jeanne A. Carpenter Epilepsy Legal Defense Fund; the H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People with Epilepsy) Mentoring Program; a Public Policy Institute; Seniors’ and Women’s Health Initiatives; the Kids Speak Up! advocacy program; a school personnel training program; outreach to youth and to the African American, Hispanic and Asian American communities; employment programs and a research grants program. Services commonly provided in local communities are information and referral, counseling, patient and family advocacy, school and community education, support groups and camps for children. Its website, www.epilepsy.com offer the most comprehensive, medically approved consumer information about epilepsy and seizures on the Internet and are the trusted source for millions of people who seek reliable information about epilepsy.

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With your help, we can continue to raise awareness by sharing stories from the epilepsy community. Your tax deductible donation to the Epilepsy Foundation can change lives for the better.


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3540 Crain Highway, Ste. 675 Bowie, MD 20716 United States

Mailing Address

3540 Crain Highway, Ste. 675 Bowie, MD 20716 United States

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